The Continuing Kurdish Quest in Türkiye for Identity, Autonomy & Lasting Peace

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About the Author

Kamal Malhotra

Kamal Malhotra is Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Boston University Global Development Policy Center and has recently also Guest Lectured at the NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, as well as at the School of Interwoven Arts and Sciences (SIAS), Krea University, India.

Prior to his retirement from the United Nations in September 2021, Mr. Malhotra had a rich career of over four decades as a management consultant, in senior positions in international NGOs, as co-founder of a think-tank, FOCUS on the Global South, and in the United Nations (UN) including as its Head in Malaysia, Turkiye and Vietnam (2008-21). He was UNDPs Senior Adviser on Inclusive Globalization, based in New York, USA, for most of the prior decade. Mr. Malhotra is widely published.

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