
Very few places now offer you the possibility of civilised discussion between different points of view – whether on social, religious, political, and ethical matters, or in relation to economics, business, sport, fashion, the arts, media, education, science, technology, or whatever else.

It is our ambition and desire to be one such place of civilised discussion. That is what we are working towards. That is why you will find divergent voices very welcome here.

Add your own voice, by engaging with the views here – by sending in comments, stories, jokes, questions, and so on. Though only with politeness and civility, please – and only within the values and framework of the Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Justice.

We look forward to hearing your view – whatever that is. Meanwhile, enjoy the range of views here.


  1. Three years since I made up my mind to enter the world of publishing

    It was almost exactly three years ago that I decided, in memory of my wife, to take the plunge into publishing. I was 70 years old,…

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  2. Uvalde: Time for Brave Healers and Courageous Risk-Takers

    This is on you.  Beto O’Rourke, gubernatorial candidate confronting Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Uvalde press conference I can’t believe that you’re a sick son of a…

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  3. A couple of questions regarding your work going into other languages

    An author who is a friend, but who I have *not* published, writes to me for advice: “Since you are a publisher, I thought I’d check…

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  4. Why Amazon is Essential, but relatively Useless for New Books!

    Before I entered the publishing industry in November 2019 – and, actually, even till relatively recently! – I suffered from an illusion about modern developments in…

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  5. Understanding what is happening in the world of publishing right now – 1

    If, before the Covid pandemic, the sales of new titles to old titles were sort of equally 50% each, during the pandemic the sales of new…

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  6. Announcing A New Columnist

    I am delighted to announce that two websites, www.homeanddiaspora.com and christnotchristianity.com, are merging with our site. Shri Frank Raj (the owner of both sites) therefore becomes the latest new Columnist…

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  7. Should you Pay money to get your book Published?

    I have just received an email from someone which causes me to write on this subject. Here is what he writes: “The disease of levying charges…

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  8. Invitation to Potential Columnists and Contributors

    Now that our community has its first female Columnist (Rashmi Narzary), I should make it clear that I have been trying for some time to have…

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  9. When Stakeholders Act Like Dictators: New Era, New Rules

    The reason life works at all is that not everyone in your tribe is nuts on the same day. Anne Lamott Disney versus the state of…

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  10. A Day in the Life of a Publisher

    A publisher’s day moves from issuing credit notes and invoices, to briefing or being debriefed by one’s IT manager or marketing consultant or distribution partner, to…

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